Sales and Account Management Solutions

“ The way to learn to do things is to do things. The way to learn a trade is to work at it. Success teaches how to succeed. Begin with the determination to succeed and the work is half done already “

by Henry Ford

People like to buy, rather than be sold to.

It’s absolutely true to say that most people much prefer to buy something rather than feel that they have been sold to. If you think about it a bit, you can probably confirm from your own experience when you are looking to make a purchase. DO you like to walk into a shop and immediately have helpful sales advisor spring onto you and try to sell you something? Or do you prefer to look around and then ask for assistance as and when you feel you need some more information about the product or service? I suspect that most people reading this will chose the second option.

The customers or prospective customers who you go to see will be just the same. So your job is to help them make a good buying decision rather than try to sell to them. By asking the right questions, you can find out what your customer wants and then help him or her make that good buying decision. Some call this Needs Satisfaction Selling and that makes perfect sense to me – find out what your customer needs and then do all you can to satisfy it. They will then more than likely buy.

We know how we buy and make choices, but this doesn’t mean that everybody is making their decision or buying the same product for the same reason as we do. We need to be aware of all differences that make a customer buy a service or a product in order to be able to choose the style of your approach and be able to become a successful sales person.

Your aim should be to become a truly ‘customer-centric’ company. This is important because if you understand what your customer want, you can deliver the best products or services to them. Satisfied customer will come back, again and again.

There is a belief that the best sales people are those who are naturally gifted. I believe that the best sales people are the ones that know how to listen to its customers.

The rule of the thumb, to be a successful sales person is to listen twice and speak once. You will be amazed at what you can learn and how you can use that knowledge to great effect.

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